Scott County Softball Club League Rules

  Regular Season

  • USSSA rules will be followed unless noted differently below.
  • All games will be 5 innings except for Wee-Ball.
    •      Each inning has a 6-run rule for all divisions except for 10U, which has a 5-run rule.
    •      No new inning will start after 70 minutes.
    •      To ensure equal opportunity for all players, the only exception is if all batters in the lineup have not batted. All players will be awarded to have one at-bat.
    •      Once the 70-minute mark is hit, even if the VISITOR team cannot mathematically win the game, the inning will be completed.
  • There will be a pre-game conference at home plate with head coaches and the umpire(s). During this time, age-specific rules will be discussed before the start of the game.
    •      The umpire(s) will announce the official start time. That start time starts the clock, regardless of how long a team approaches the plate.
  • The HOME team will record the start time and keep the official scorebook.
  • The VISITING team will keep the score on the scoreboard.
  • Games ending in a tie after reaching the time or inning limit will result in a DRAW for both teams.
  • No player can sit out more than 1 consecutive inning aside from Wee-Ball and having missed practices.
  • Only coaches and Team Parents with cleared background checks are allowed in dugouts or fields. Parents, siblings, friends, or fans are prohibited in the dugout or the fields.
  • 6U and 8U will be allowed up to 10 players on defense, with 10U and up being allowed up to 9.
  • The HOME team chalks the field if they are the first game on that field as needed.
  • The run rule of 15 after 3 innings or 10 after 4 innings is in effect.
  • Every team in the league may start a game with 7 players and end the game with 6 players.
  • Pickup players from the same age group are not allowed. o One player from the division directly below is allowed.
  • This applies to 8U and above; Wee-Ball cannot move up to be a pickup player for 6U.