NAME: This organization shall be known as the Scott County Softball Club. (SCSC) Scott County Softball Club is registered as a 501(c)3. 


Said association is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

SCSC seeks to instill in the participants ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, respect for, and authority. This objective will be reached by providing supervised competitive athletic games. The supervisors, coaches, parents, volunteers, and spectators shall always bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary and that the molding of future citizens is of prime importance. To achieve these objectives, the Board Members of SCSC will provide rules and regulations set forth by the USA sanctioning and Parks and Recreation. 


The voting membership of the association will have one vote each. It shall be limited to persons in good standing with SCSC and meet the following requirements:

  1.  Parents or guardians of the participants in the league 
  2.  The executive committee
  3. Coaches 
  4. Assistant Coaches (Limited to (2) one per team) 
  5.  Umpires 
  6.  Board members 


The Executive Board consists of the following members: 

1. President

2. Vice-President 

3. Secretary 

4. Treasurer

5. League Director 

At the annual organization meeting in October, the Board Members shall be elected for one 2-year term. There is a minimum requirement of one (1) year on the board to be elected for President, Vice-President, and TreasurerElected Executive Board members shall take office by November 1st. The offices of the President and Secretary will be voted on and filled in years ending in even numbers. The offices of Vice-President and Treasurer will be voted on and filled in years ending in odd numbers. A majority vote of the board may remove an elected member of the Executive Board. Should any vacancy of the Executive Board occur by death, resignation, or otherwise, the same shall be filled without delay by the Executive Board.  All Board Members shall have a background on file with Parks & Recreation updated every year and shall be at least 21.

A. Duties of the President

1. He/She is responsible for conducting SCSC strictly following the policies, principles, rules, and regulations of this League and USA sanctioning and Parks and Recreation. 

2. Exercises general authority and supervision over all functions of the League; however, specific authority is delegated to specific board members, other volunteers, and hired agents.  

3. Meets with each new board member to review their responsibilities.  

4. Schedules each board meeting and prepares the agenda.  

5. Presides over each board meeting. In the event of his/her absence, the President will notify the League Vice-President and provide the agenda so they can preside over the meeting. The President will be responsible for adding to a meeting agenda any item deemed significant by any Board of Directors member. 

6. The President is the officer with whom USA maintains contact. He/She or designee will represent the League in all meetings of the local, state, or national organization or delegate authority as necessary. 

7. He/She is the only officer authorized to speak for the League or sign letters written in the name of SCSC. The President may delegate this authority as necessary. 

8. Oversees the general conduct of all officers, managers, and coaches and ensures they perform their duties accordingly. Informs the board if someone is not performing their duties as required or their conduct is inappropriate. 

9. The President is a voting member of the Board of Directors but votes only to break a tie vote unless all board members require a vote. 

10. Along with the Treasurer, they submit the annual budget for approval of the board in January. 

11. Responsible for monitoring all gaming funds and activities alongside the gaming coordinator. 

 B. Duties of the Vice-President 

1. In the absence of the President, they preside over the SCSC meetings. 

2. Coordinates SCSC’s fundraising committee, grants, and projects. 

This includes the following duties: 

a. Selection of a project(s) decided by a committee formed by the Vice-President, Fundraising Committee Coordinator, and at least one other board member. The committee decision shall be presented to the board for approval.

b. Coordinates collection of fundraising money with respective team parent or guardian.   

3. Oversees all league coordinators except for gaming.

 C. Duties of the Treasurer 

1. Presides over meetings in the absence of the President and Vice-President and performs such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Board. 

2. Shall be the chief financial officer and the chief accounting officer of the Organization. Shall be in charge of the Organization's financial affairs and safeguard all funds, securities, and valuable financial papers. 

3. Shall receive all monies and securities except gaming monies and deposit these funds in a depository approved by the Board of Directors within three business days.  

4. Endorses for deposit or collection all checks and notes payable to the corporation or its order.  

5. Records all funds received and financial transactions in Quickbooks.  

6. Co-signs along with the President or Vice-President all checks.  

7. Presents all league financial records to the independent auditor as required. 

8. Reconciles bank statements monthly to ensure that the cash balance in the corporate check register and records matches the cash balance on the bank statement. 

9. Prepares a financial report to be given at each of the regular meetings of the Executive Board.  

10. Prepares an annual operating budget in cooperation with the President to be presented to the Executive Board and Parks and Recreation.  

11. Annually coordinates with outside CPA to file IRS Form 990 promptly before the appropriate tax-filing deadline.  

12. Prepares the previous year’s income statement and files annual sales tax reports to the State Department of Revenue. 

13. Shall monitor and administer the monies allocated to the operation of the concessions stand, umpire wages, fund-raising activities, field rentals, etc.  

14. Performs all duties that a treasurer would ordinarily perform. 

D.  Duties of the Secretary 

1. Presides over meetings in the absence of the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer. The Secretary shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Executive Board. 

2. Keeps the minutes of all general membership meetings and of the Executive Board meetings in one or more databases provided for that purpose.  

3. Sees that all notices of meetings are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws or as required by the open meetings act.  

4. Serves as the custodian of the corporate records.  

5. Performs all duties a secretary would ordinarily perform including typing letters, rosters, bylaws, etc.  

6. Serves as the custodian of the bylaws, including certification of any new amendments adopted.  

7. Responsible for receiving and distributing mail to other board members in a timely manner. 

E. Duties of the league- Reporting and Compliance with the Organized Sports Agreement (OSO) 

1. The league shall complete and return the Division and Gender Report and the League Financial Report to GSC-Parks and Recreation. The Division and Gender Report shall be completed and returned no later than one (1) month after the end of each season.  

2. The league shall submit to GSC-Parks and Recreation a copy of its completed IRS Form 990 within one (1) week of filing with the IRS but no later than April 15 of the tax year covering the season.  

3. The league shall submit to GSC-Parks and Recreation a roster identifying the gender, race, and address of all league participants no later than two (2) weeks after the season's first game.  

4. The league shall provide a written statement to GCS Parks and Recreation containing the mailing address, primary telephone number, and primary email address (where applicable) of the sanctioning authority and a certificate showing league sanctioning.  

5. The league shall fully comply with the GSC Parks Behavior Management Policy and shall distribute copies of such league participants and volunteers. In the event that there is a violation of said policy, the league shall report the incident to GSC-Parks and Recreation on the next business day. The league shall fully cooperate with the investigation conducted by GSC-Parks and Recreation and will submit written statements, if necessary, from all who witnessed the incident.  

6. The league shall provide a season-ending report to GSC-Parks and Recreation that includes a complete financial report of the past season, a participant report, any/all proposed changes for the next year, and any/all maintenance requests.  


A. The league coordinators shall be board-appointed positions and may be removed by a majority vote of the executive board if seen unfit. The position titles are as follows, with a brief description included: 

1. Tournament Coordinator – Coordinates arrangements of league-sponsored tournaments and entries into other league tournaments. If the league is sponsoring or co-sponsoring a tournament, the coordinator must notify GSC-Parks and Recreation two weeks in advance of the tournament.   

2. Head Umpire – Finds and schedules all game umpires. Meets with all umpires prior to the start of the season to review all rules to ensure standardization of enforcement. Responsible for obtaining all necessary documentation from umpires, including W-9s, yearly background checks, umpire contracts, and certification. 

3. Public Relations Coordinator – Controls all Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) by posting & responding. Coordinates with the Fundraising Committee Coordinator to find sponsors between October and November for the following year. Community involvement (i.e., Parades, Festivals, Schools). Contacts any newspaper or local news with League Stories and/or Pictures/Videos. 

4. Concession Coordinator – This person will handle all concession stand operations, such as but not limited to scheduling concession workers, inventory control, ordering products bearing in mind to research best price policies and implement cost-saving measures, presenting any changes to goods, services or prices to the board, contacting and meeting up with vendors, and managing restrooms. The concessions coordinator will also ensure that the league complies with all applicable health codes in the operations of the concessions stand. They will submit the concession stand to random inspection by the local health department. The league shall make all necessary adjustments to comply with said health codes.  

5. Uniform & Trophy Coordinator – Handles ordering uniforms and coach’s shirts. Handles ordering of trophies and sponsor plaques and will deliver plaques to the team's parents/coaches/sponsors. 

6. Website Coordinator – Responsible for maintaining and updating the website promptly. They will also manage league registrations.  

7. Scheduling Coordinator – Schedules all games, including rainouts and tournament games. This person communicates with the Head Umpire, Parks and Recreation, coaches, social media outlets, the website, and the Concessions Coordinator. They shall submit a schedule of its regular season games, maintenance schedule, and regular season practices (to include make-up dates for rain-outs, etc to GSC-Parks and Recreation no later than two (2) weeks before the first game or practice. If there are any schedule changes, the scheduler must notify GSC-Parks and Recreation as soon as possible. 

8. Fundraising Committee Coordinator – Responsible for finding sponsors throughout the year. Sign the League up for reward programs. To the best of their ability, they will ensure that all teams within the league have a sponsor by April 1st. Works with the Vice-President to obtain sponsors for their respective teams. Collects sponsor fees and prepares and presents sponsor awards following the season. (Sponsor fees will be set and approved by the Board annually. ) Coordinates ordering team sponsorship banners.  

9. Facilities Manager - Responsible for preparing the fields by dragging them for games and maintaining building cleanliness and security. Coordinates all maintenance work to be performed on SCSC fields. Gains the appropriate approval and coordinates with the appropriate Parks and Recreation, City/County officials, and Executive Board on all improvements that will change the park's appearance. They shall submit requests for pre-season repairs in writing to GSC-Parks and Recreation before October 1st. In regard to field maintenance ensures the following responsibilities are met:  

a.) Ensures mowing occurs every 10 to 14 working days during the off-season.  

b.) During season play, mowing occurs twice every seven days.  

c.) Conducts weed control practices and ensures that no more than 15% of the surface has weeds.  

d.) Understand that the league is responsible for turf care inside the perimeter of the fence from the 2nd week in March through the 3rd week in June and the 2nd week in August through the end of October for all fields.  The facilities director ensures a maintenance schedule is submitted to the league scheduler two weeks before the league begins practice and game scheduling.  

10. League Director – Coordinates with each age division and gathers any feedback. Coordinates with the Adult League Coordinator and Special Olympics/Adult League Coordinator. Plans events for the league, such as Opening Day, and pictures. 

11. Special Olympics/Adult League Coordinator 

12. Equipment Manager- Inspects all team’s equipment to determine condition and correct any issues. Establishes a total list of required equipment and keeps documentation of loaned equipment. Contacts at least three sporting goods suppliers. Gets bids from the suppliers on those items and will present the bids to the board for approval. Maintains an adequate supply of game balls and will store them in concessions for umpires to utilize. After the season, the Equipment Manager will coordinate with all coaches to return all equipment. 

13. Gaming Coordinator- Oversee all activities for gaming for the league. Responsible for attending training and generating financial reports for the treasurer. 

B. All league coordinators must provide the Board with details of projects, events, expenses, etc. The Board will make all final decisions. 

C. A majority vote of the board shall decide all matters of policy concerning the SCSC. 

D. Any individual who has a pending charge or conviction of domestic violence, or misdemeanor/felony conviction involving drugs or alcohol, any conviction involving immoral turpitude with a minor, and any conviction of crime deemed by the board to be detrimental to the mentorship of all players in the league shall be unable to participate in any league fashion. Any criminal charges or convictions must be reported to the Executive Board immediately. 


1. A meeting of the members of this association, either in-person or electronically, shall be conducted each month for the reading of reports and general league business. At the meeting in October, elections will be held for Executive Board members who will take office on November 1st. A public notice will be made seven days before the meeting date. Additional meetings may be called by the President or upon request of at least three (3) executive board members. A meeting notice will be posted at concessions. 

2. A majority vote of the members present at said meeting shall constitute a quorum provided notice has been given via a posting at the park, website, or other social media sites or sent via email seven (7) days in advance and all executive members have been notified. 


1. The executive board shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of SCSC. It shall be general policy to place all income in a common treasury, directing expenditures of the same in such a manner as will give no individual or team any advantages over the other as to equipment and so forth. (Ask about the division of accounts with general/capital expenditures.) 

2. Without executive board approval, no expenditure or association commitment over five hundred ($500.00) dollars will be made. 

3. All debit card transactions will be preauthorized via phone, email, or directive by the president with approval of funds by the treasurer. Two (2) cards are to be issued in the name of the president and treasurer. All expenditures must have corresponding receipts and be within the listed limits unless preauthorized above that amount. 

4. A financial report, including the concession stand report, of all monies shall be submitted at every executive board meeting and every general meeting of SCSC at the discretion of the executive board. 

5. No part of the association's net earnings shall insure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons. 

Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on: 

a. By an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. 

b. By an organization, contributions to which are deducted under a section of any future federal tax code. 

6. Upon the dissolution of the association, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(C) (3) or the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code or shall be distributed to the federal government, or a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the court of common pleas of the county in which the association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. 

7. Anyone with a possible conflict of interest (or who may have a conflict) must disclose the conflict/potential conflict. All interested board members should be prohibited from voting on any matter in which there is a conflict. All those involved with the league shall act in a manner that is in the league's best interest. 

8. The league will be audited once every four years, and the treasurer and/or the league president shall attend a training session with GSC-Parks and Recreation auditors.  

During the audit conducted by GSC-Parks and Recreation, all monies must be accounted for, and the following information shall be submitted to GSC-Parks and Recreation for the audit:  

a) All bank statements for the budgeted year 

b) All purchase receipts 

c) Timesheets for officials 

d) General ledgers and trial balances in Excel or Quickbooks. 

e) Copies of requested board minutes 


Group-type accident insurance shall be obtained by Parks and Recreation and, in the name of SCSC, shall cover each participant in league play or practice session of the SCSC. Insurance for players is also accepted individually from USA or any sanctioning authority. Before participating in any league play or practice session, each player shall be required to pay a specified registration fee and return a completed application form. No SCSC facility will be available until the above requirements have been met.  


1. Coaches and assistants of all teams shall submit a coaching application for approval by the Executive Board and pass a criminal background check conducted by Parks and Recreation. 

2. Head coaches must complete a certified training program selected by the executive board. 

3. Each team will have one (1) coach and two official (2) assistants. They shall be responsible for their team’s conduct on or off the field while acting in their capacity as a coach or assistant. They will be given jerseys, and any additional assistant may buy their jersey. 

4. Each coach or assistant shall conduct himself/herself at all times in such a manner as to be a credit to this association and the Scott County community. Coaches and/or assistants shall be subject to removal or asked to resign by majority vote of the board for justifiable reasons and subject to disciplinary actions via Parks and Recreation. 

5. Each coach and assistant can have their children play on the team they manage. 

6. Any coach, assistant, or spectator ejected from a game may be brought before the board and subject to any disciplinary action deemed appropriate by the executive board and Parks and Recreation. The coach or assistant will be given 24-hour advance notice of the meeting when a decision will be made with or without his/her presence. 

7. Use sound judgment in all areas, with the players’ safety, health, and welfare being of utmost concern. 

8. Responsible for calling a meeting of the parents of his players and informing them of league objectives and goals as well as his/her philosophies and expectations. Ensure all participants having direct contact with players have a background check and volunteer form on file with the board.

9. Communicate with the league Scheduling Coordinator regarding practice schedules, game schedules, rules, rainouts, and any other items pertaining to the season.  

10. Read and understand all rules and regulations as dictated by sanctioning authority and Parks and Recreation. 

11. It is mandatory to nominate a team parent for their team to serve as a liaison between the coach and the league to satisfy league objectives such as fundraising, concessions, volunteering, and season updates. It will be mandatory for team parents, or if unable, another member of their team or volunteer, to volunteer in concessions at the scheduled times. If the shift is not covered, the following game for that team will be forfeited and canceled and count as a loss for that team. Team parents will also attend team parent meetings, assist in team fundraising, and coordinate the official bookkeeper or scoreboard operator for required games.  

12. Any coach or assistant with outstanding financial obligations to SCSC or any other softball organization or related business will not be allowed to coach until proof of resolution is provided to the SCSC board. 

13. Before the start of play for the day, coaches from the home team will appoint a representative to ensure the field is ready for play, including chalking appropriate lines and placing bases. Coaches will be responsible for turning off lights, ensuring dugouts are clear of belongings/trash, removing bases, and locking bathrooms for practice days and games. 

14. Head coaches are responsible for ensuring their team complies with the American Red Cross and National Lightening Safety Institute Guidelines for weather issues.  

15. Head coaches are responsible for ensuring that their team follows the KHSAA Procedure for Avoiding Heat Injury/Illness and the KHSAA Heat Index Chart.  


A. Players 

1. Participation in this association shall be in accordance with the rules stated for each season and shall be governed by SCSC sanctioning authority and Parks and Recreation.

2. Each player shall conduct herself at all times in such a manner as to be a credit to this organization and the Scott County community. Each player shall be subject to disciplinary action up to removal from the assigned team upon recommendation of his/her coach to the executive board (with a majority vote of the executive board). 

3. Any player with outstanding financial obligations to SCSC will not be allowed to participate until proof of resolution or agreement is provided in writing to the SCSC executive board.

4. Any member of a team that does not attend two (2) consecutive practices and does not have a valid reason suitable to the coach’s approval (illness or vacation) may be prohibited from playing the following league game. Failure to participate may result in removal from the team. Missing three consecutive games or six practices may be grounds for a coach to petition the SCSC board to have a player removed from his/her roster.  

5. All players will be responsible for participating in at least one fundraiser for the season as determined by the league. 

B. Parent/Guardian 

1. A parent/guardian is responsible for: 

a. Seeing that the player is at all team functions  

b. Assisting the player in participation in league fundraiser(s)  

c. Cooperating with team managers and coaches  

d. Abide by all league rules and regulations 

C. Volunteers 

1. A volunteer is deemed anyone directly participating in team activities and will have direct contact with youth. All volunteers must participate in and pass an annual background check. Any arrests, criminal convictions, or pending charges must be presented to the executive board immediately.  

2. The league shall keep a current and accurate record containing the names, home addresses, and telephone numbers of all volunteers and/or paid staff.  

 *** ALL league participants (coaches, parents, players, and individuals utilizing the fields) understand that field maintenance takes precedence over using the fields. All the above-listed individuals agree to work with field maintenance during practices and field use to ensure that maintenance can be conducted and will not interfere. If interference occurs, persons will be subjected to SCSC and GSC-Parks and Recreations disciplinary actions, leading up to being denied access to all GSC Parks.   


1. All applications and registrations shall be turned in by the dates determined by the executive board for all seasons. 

2. If any player's age is questioned, that player must furnish an original certified state-issued birth certificate to the executive board to be contested. 

3. No player can participate in any game or practice session until her application and fee have been turned in to a member of the executive board. 

4. No player shall be registered to play in more than one age group and no more than one team per season within Scott County Softball Club. 

5. All players must play in a division determined by the current sanctioning authority. If players want to age up, they can, but they can only age up to the next age group and cannot age back down.  

6. Placement of returning players and coaches for leagues shall be done in the following manner: For each season, any player who participated on a team of the previous season shall be permitted to remain on that team. If the player has played on that team within the calendar year, they will be eligible on a first-come, first-serve basis. Any player who does not desire to remain on the team with which she participated in the past season will be permitted to place her name in the draft. She shall be assigned to a team other than the one she participated in for the upcoming season in the same manner as a new applicant. 

7. The placement of new players shall be handled through a draft. 

A draft shall consist of those players who are: 

1. New applicants to the league shall be placed in a league that matches their age unless they request to move up. Applicants will be placed on a team of corresponding divisions having players of the same age level, i.e., 13-year-old applicants will be placed on a team composed of 13-year-olds and under. 

2. Teams that have folded. 

3. Players that no longer wish to play for the former team. 8. All-Stars/Elite League 

1. Approved All-Stars/Elite league coordinators will be expected to turn in rosters by a date determined by the Executive Board—a minimum of ten (10) players on a roster. Any changes to the roster after the date determined by the Executive Board must have the approval of the player's parent or guardian and the league representative. 

2. No player can participate in any practice session until her application and fees have been turned in to a member of the executive board. 

3. Players cannot request a specific team unless they live in the same household as the player/coach. Proof will be required to present to the Board. 


1. The Executive Board shall form leagues of this association after the signed applications and birth certificates of players wishing to participate have been received. No team shall have less than ten (10) players. The only exception is 5U, with a maximum of 7 players per team. 

2. SCSC leagues shall consist of the following age divisions: 

1. High School 

2. Middle School 3. Ten and under (10U)

4. Eight and under (8U) 

5. Six and under (6U) 

6. Tee Ball (5U)-. The minimum age is four (4) years old as of January 1st of the current year. 


Scott County Softball Club and Georgetown—Scott County Parks and Recreation will not tolerate physical or verbal abuse by any player, coach, spectator, or umpire. Please see the Scott County Softball Club and Georgetown—Scott County Parks and Recreation Behavior Management Policy under Forms. Anyone violating this policy is subject to immediate removal, pending a hearing by the executive board. 


The executive board will determine the equipment issued by this association in accordance with the rules. This equipment shall be purchased from a reasonable bidder, taking into consideration local merchants, by the equipment coordinator and the uniform coordinator with the approval of the executive board. The uniform adopted by this association shall be matching shirts in the designated team color. Softball pants or shorts (if shorts are selected, they must contain a leg) with no writing on any portion of the rear will need to be provided by the player. The sponsor’s name can be displayed on the shirt if the sponsor desires. Each shirt must prominently display the number assigned to that player. The league shall provide the uniform and wear by the participant in every game. 


1. Refunds will be 50% of the total amount. No refunds will be given once jerseys have been ordered and/or games have begun. All refunds will be done by check. SCSC reserves the right to deny any refunds. 

2. No refunds will be given for fields rented; in inclement weather, field rentals will be rescheduled.  


The by-laws, or any section thereof, may be amended or repealed by a majority vote of the executive board members present at any called meeting of this association provided ARTICLE VI, SECTION 2 has been adhered to. Any amendment of these rules governing the SCSC shall be made in written form and presented to each coach and the umpire coordinator. Standing rules – no changes shall be made to the standing rules without executive board approval.